Assalamualaikum... Amaran: Ini entry yang panjang giler n penuh dgn gambar!!! Ini field trip yang first untuk semester 2 ni la untuk subjek environmental biotechnology. x ramai pon yang amik subjek ni. Only 13 ja. field trip ni pergi Sewage Treatment Plant (STP1) kat Presint 14, Putrajaya. Tapi kalo g kat situ rasanya x sampai pun putrajaya la..(-___-"). Dalam kul 2.00 ptg kami semua berkumpul kat depan bangunan bioinformatik.
My classmate- Seamus, Reza, Deva, Prema and Arif
~Kak Mas~
Time ni tengah tunggu azwa, zura and dayah sampai. So, picture time!!! :) . X la jauh mana pon,kalo x salah dalam 30 minit sampai la kami kat sana. Selain kami, ada satu group lagi dr UniKL. Budak2 Engineering x salah aku. Sampai ja kami trus di bawa ke bilik seminar untuk sedikit taklimat mengenai operasi STP1 ni before pergi melawat sekeliling.
Penerangan dr Encik Saoud
General description about STP1. This is the seconds largest of the sewage catchment within the Putrajaya area that covered from Precint 12,14,15 and some part of Precint 16. It was built on 11/ 07/1997 with the cost of RM54 million!!!. It was designed to treat an average sewerage flow of 22,500 m3/day, which is equipment to 100000 PE. However only 25% used. It has total 7 unit operation:- Pump Sump, Screen Chamber, Grit Chamber, Aeration Tank, Secondary Clarifier, Sludge Treatment and BioScrubber.
Penerangan dr encik engineer kalo x salah la.. Lupa nama lak.. *sigh*
Lepas penerangan from Encik Saoud, kami semua dibawa melawat semua unit operation yang ada dan ada la sikit penerangan dari En Engineer cam mana operation dia.
Sangat panas ok!!
Ini main hole( x salah aku la)
Inilah Sump Pump.
Pump dia x nampak ya. Ada di bawah sana. Domestic Wastewater (mostly from houses) akan masuk main hole then terus di pump ke Sump Pump.This pump are connected to SCADA system and monitered 24 hrs by plant operator.
Screen Chamber ( mechanical screen)
Domestic waste water pump direct to Screen Chamber from sump pump. The raw sewage is distribured between two screen channel for primary and secondary screenin. the separted screening the conveyed by screw conveyor into collection bin at disposal area.
Grit Removal
The sewage flows through grits channels for further removal of sand and heavy particles. Thsi grit removal will removes large settable particles. The settled grit removed by air lift system and transferred to grit classifier for separation and storage. after grit channels, the sewage overflow to aeration tank.
Opps...This is Azwa~ Hi!!
Aeration Tank!!
In the aeration tanks, organic material are oxidized by microorganisms into non harmful material such as carbon dioxide, water and other inert materials. Air is supplied to cultivate microorganism with FBDA( Fine Bubble Diffuse Aeration) for respiration and digestion. Microorganisms are suspended with uplift bubles and the organic subtances are oxidized to reduce BOD.
Clarifier Tank
Secondary Clarifier
Weir and Clarifier Tank are component of Secondary Clarifier. The treater water is flowed to clarificaton, where microorganism cells are settled and separated from treated water. The treated effluent is overflowed through weir plates and discharged to the nearby river - Sungai Air Hitam. Sludge which contain mircroorganism cells settles at the bottom of clarififier and is collected by mechanical scrapper and pumped back to the aertaed tank for continuous operation.
Sludge dewatering and Drying
the dewatering sludge is 12-18 % dried. the dewatered sludge then further dried for 92% dry solids by dryer and ready for disposal.
Final product :)
Boleh wat fertilizer ni.. :)
Dr Pozi Millow- My lecturer
So, wastewater treatment bukanlah satu proses yang mudah and murah.Kita patut bersyukur sebab kita hanya perlu beberapa ringit ja sebulan dan bayaran yang kita bayar tu sebenarnya langsung x menampung kos treatment yang berganda-ganda mahalnya!! So, sila la bayar bill indah water ya. Oh satu lagi, jgn la sesuka hati nk buang sekala dalam lubang tandas. Semuanya berkumpul kat sini tau. sekian terima kasih
-Pesanan Khidmat Masyarakat -